Tag Archives: CIA

How The Kursk was Sunk on August 12, 2000.

In a massive naval exercise, the Russian submarine was carrying out a test in the shallow waters of the Barents Sea to display there Shkval Torpedo which has supercavitating technology.  The torpedo is capable of going 370 km/h underwater.  US Naval Intelligence officers had reports that the Chinese wanted to purchase these torpedoes from the Russians.  As an act of good faith, Russia allowed Chinese observers aboard the Kursk to witness the display of the Shkval Torpedo in action. 

Two US Submarines were in the Barents Sea and had orders to closely monitor the test of the supercavitating torpedo.  The USS Toledo was ordered to closely shadow the Kursk, to signify the disapproval to the Russians for selling the Shkval Torpedo to the Chinese and the USS Memphis was assigned to observe at a distance.  If the Chinese were to acquire the Shkval Torpedo the US Navy would lose absolute superiority in Southeast Asia.

There was a collision in the shallow waters with the Kursk and USS Toledo.  The Kursk may have done a Crazy Ivan or the USS Toledo may have miscalculated with the shallow waters which causes greater magnetic interference.

  • The underwater collision is reported by the Russian flagship Peter the Great and it gives orders to surrounding vessels to close in on The Kursk and fighter jets are scrambled into the sky above.
  • The USS Toledo was badly damaged and attempted to escape while the USS Memphis continued to monitor the Kursk.
  • The Kursk loads a Shkval torpedo and opens the torpedoes door.
  • The USS Memphis fires a MK-48 and it hits the Kursk in the torpedo room.
    • The Kursk continued on its course temporarily until a flash fire erupts and detonates in the torpedo on-board.
    • The second explosion sends the Kursk to the seabed.
  • The Russians track down the USS Memphis and follow it for 7 days until it reaches the Norwegian port of Bergen.  It generally takes two days to get there but it was serving as a decoy for the USS Toledo.
  • The USS Toledo escaped but was badly damaged, it was hidden and  docked into an undisclosed port.

Three days after the incident, CIA Director George Tenant secretly arrived in Moscow.

President Clinton and President Putin exchange phone calls and a few days later a Russian debt owed to the USA is cancelled and Russia received a new $10.5 Billion loan.

Two weeks after the incident, American Intelligence Services informed the New York Times that the USS Memphis was observing the Kursk during the time of the incident.

On August 22, 2000 an article appeared on the Pravda website stating “an incident occurred that almost started a third world war for several days world peace held on a thread”.

President Putin and President Clinton resolved the most catastrophic Submarine incident in since the collapse of the Soviet Union diplomatically and both participated in an obvious cover-up.  Evidence with the cover-up is linked directly to the secrecy on both sides, contradicting events, not telling the US media until two weeks after the incident that a US submarine was observing the Kursk and last but not least the sudden elimination of a Russian debt by the USA along with a brand new $10.5 Billion dollar loan which occurred within weeks after the collision.


Escalation erupts suddenly, unexpectedly and erupts exponentially when rival super powers conduct Military Drills and Clandestine Operations in a close proximity.

I’ll leave you with a grave warning.  History repeats itself.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf_WrcSW99I part 1

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCWyscA5xr0 part 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdcYHXAE8nM part 3

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wXTJoyp-1I part 4

French secret agent apologizes for bombing Greenpeace boat in 1985

On July 10, 1985, The Rainbow Warrior was deliberately sunk by French Secret Service Agents (DGSE) in Auckland Harbour, New Zealand.

The boat was about to embark on a mission to French Polynesia in an effort to protest the Nuclear Weapon testing being carried out by the French.  The DGSE was given orders to sink the vessel by French President Francois Mitterrand.  To convince the DGSE it would be righteous to carry out this dangerous act of sabotage they were also told that this boat had been infiltrated by Russian KGB Agents.  The DGSE generally viewed Greenpeace as a pain in the ass to deal with but not as a clear and present danger to the people of France, French Polynesia or New Zealand.

Two DGSE agents went on a diving mission and attached two limpet mines to the vessel.  They detonated within seven minutes of each other and the vessel sunk in just 11 minutes.  A Portuguese-Dutch photographer, Fernando Pereira, drowned during the act of espionage.  The crew of The Rainbow Warrior did not know how to react to combat situations like this because they were not KGB Agents, they were just simple-easy going folk affiliating with Greenpeace and reacted just like a rabbit does when it sees approaching headlights.

One of the DGSE agents named Jean-Luc Kister, has recently apologized to the family members of Fernando Pereira, the crew of The Rainbow Warrior, and Greenpeace for his participation in the mission.  He’s admitted that the mission carried out that day was “just like using boxing gloves in order to crush a mosquito,“. 

The moral of this story is,

Don’t Follow Blind Orders.


I’ll leave you with a grave warning.  History repeats itself.

Thank you for your time and reblog if you were enlightened.






French secret agent apologizes for bombing Greenpeace boat in 1985

Never Forget September 11.

September 11, 1973.

How General Pinochet executed his coup d’état on the infamous date.

  • Within days after launching the coup, 13,000 Chilean citizens were arrested by the Military (The very people they swore to defend).
    • Many were tortured to turn in anyone (family members, close friends, people they’d suspect) that would be against a military led coup d’etat.
    • They were held captive at the National Stadium of Chile.
    • Over 40,000 people spent time in the Stadium during the junta regime.
    • An article in Harvard
      Review of Latin America reported that “there were over eighty detention
      centers in Santiago alone”
  • Mass executions were carried out by a group called the Caravan of Death.
    • 3,000 Chilean Citizens were murdered during his dictatorship.
    • 600 Chileans during that time frame are still unaccounted for.
  • 120 Chilean citizens were also thrown out of Army Helicopters into the Pacific Ocean, Lakes and Rivers.
  • On September 13th, 1973 Congress was dissolved and specific political parties were outlawed.

Why did the coup get support from the USA?

  • The US feared “an irreversible Marxist regime in Chile” and exerted
    diplomatic, economic, and covert pressure upon Chile’s elected socialist

Inflation skyrocketed 375% in just one year after the coup, the poor became poorer, the global elite benefited and the citizens of Chile endured a dictator whose government murdered and tortured thousands of their own people during a repressive 17-year rule.

I’ll leave you with a grave warning.  History does repeat itself.


Thank you for reading and reblog if you were enlightened.


Sources are provided above and below.








